This southerly location in the heavens, together with the shallow ecliptic, means it doesn’t get high in the sky from northern latitudes. Saturn is last of the bright planets to be found in the morning sky, at magnitude 0.9, in the constellation of Capricornus, and not far from its border with Aquarius. The planet will remain low in the southeast for northern observers, but it much better placed from southern latitudes. They will be much easier to see from the southern hemisphere. The two planets gradually move apart over subsequent mornings. Jupiter, shining at magnitude -2.1, is in the morning sky and on 1 June lies less than 2 degrees from Mars.

The planet was close to Jupiter on 29 May, and they are now gradually moving apart. Again, it will be higher and easier to see from the southern hemisphere. It is still far from being easy to spot, on the far side of its orbit, but binoculars will help you pick it out towards the south east. Mars rises a couple of hours before the Sun at the start of June and shines at magnitude 0.7. Read more about planet Venus, and also see our general guide to observing Venus. We have a special article about this apparition of Venus. The planet is heading too the far side of its orbit around the Sun, and shows a gibbous phase through a telescope. Venus will be higher and easier to see from the southern hemisphere. Look for it in the twilight before sunrise. It hangs low over the eastern horizon throughout the month from northerly latitudes, meaning it is not so easy to spot as at other apparitions.

Venus is in the morning sky, shining at around magnitude -4. It will be at greatest western elongation from the Sun on the 16th.

Mercury is low over the northeastern horizon during June, shining at around zero magnitude, and will be hard to see, with the best opportunity towards the end of the month. Image credit: Paul Sutherland The planets in June 2022 Mercury This image of Venus shining above a waning Moon was taken on 27 May, 2022, from Walmer, UK. Crux, the Southern Cross, is at its highest, above the south celestial pole followed by the bright stars Alpha and Beta Centauri. Over in the southeast, the prominent constellation of Scorpius is rising.
#Tx star chart plus#
In the Southern Hemisphere, you can still catch Gemini low to the northwest as the sky gets dark, plus the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, further to its south. This is a large asterism rather than a constellation, and is formed of three stars, Vega, Deneb and Altair, which are the brightest stars in the constellations of Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila, respectively. Over in the eastern sky, the Summer Triangle is rising at this time. In the western sky, the constellation of Leo is now sinking, its head resembling a backwards question mark, and including the bright star Regulus. If you follow the curve of the handle of this “saucepan”, you will come to a bright car called Arcturus, in the constellation of Bootes. High on the opposite side of this pole star, and almost overhead, see the familiar shape of the Plough, or Big Dipper, which resembles a saucepan and is part of the constellation of Ursa Major. To its upper right, look for the familiar W shape of Cassiopeia below the north celestial pole, which is marked by the star Polaris. As it grows dark at northern latitudes where the Sun has set, the bright star Capella can be seen low in the northwestern sky.